PO Box 24, Dermott, AR 71638

+1(870) 300-9319

Charles Graham reviewing Cotton Field near old boyhood home
Having surrendered to full-time Christian service at the age of seventeen, Charles wasn’t sure how God would use him, but by the complete surrender, he gave God permission to do what would honor and glorify Him. Over the years, God has continued to define His call on Charles’ life. In addition to rejoicing when believers come to know the Lord, Charles enjoys walking along side the body of Christ, sharing with believers in their spiritual growth, seeing them increase in faith and observing them trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He also enjoys the opportunity to minister to young people in group settings such as camps and retreats, or one-on-one helping them develop a more personal relationship with God. God has gifted Charles with the unique ability to minister across denominational, social, economic and racial lines. As Charles would say…
“My greatest privilege is encouraging the Body of Christ to experience worship of the Father personally and corporately. I praise God daily for the joy of music and ministry.”